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Field Handbook & State Addendums
Our Field Employee Handbook provides a high-level overview of SASR culture, practices and values. It provides guidelines and processes for you to reference. Therefore, we want all SASR employees to read it through, have the opportunity to ask ...
Ladder Use General - Safety moment
Ladder Safety Ladders are an essential tool on many job sites and at home across the United States. Because of their widespread use and the inherent danger of working at heights, they are responsible for a significant number of injuries both on and ...
Leadership Communication and Safety - Safety moment
Communication and Safety Proper communication is crucial for a job to run safely and efficiently. When communication is insufficient or missing totally, there can be many negative consequences for employees and the company as a whole. Recognizing the ...
Slip, Trips, and Falls - Safety moment
Slips, Trips, and Falls Slips, trips, and falls are one of the leading causes of injuries and fatalities in the workplace. According to OSHA, slip, trip, and fall incidents cause 15% of all accidental deaths and are second only to motor vehicle ...
Being Respectful to Coworkers - Safety moment
Being Respectful to Coworkers No matter what your job title is or what you are tasked to do at work, everyone should share a common goal of being respectful to one another. Being respectful goes a long way in the workplace. Some of the many benefits ...